

This site is the cat’s pajamas


September 2014


“Someday I may find my prince charming, but my dad will always be my king.”

Thank you Pa, for bringing me up this long. I realized that I will never grow up with your plan and anything.

Seldomly contact each other, but I am sure we fall for one another.

Love you to the death, Dad. Even sometimes you broke my heart.

One of my beloved friends said, “Even my Dad was just beside me until I was four, but I always remember of him. And for sure I will try to find a husband who my children will always remember even though he is not in this earth again.”

Still adore you, when I can not fulfill your dreams which is sure they’re for my goods. I just couldn’t stand when you think that you failed to provide the best for me. I am happy dad, it’s not your failure.

Wherever you are, I will try to make you happy since  I know you always pray for me, even when I am not exist in this world yet. Not make you upset again.

Forgive me.

You will always be my hero.

-your first daddy’s daughter

Bismillaah ..

Ibnu ‘Aun rahimahullah berkata,

”Jangan terlalu yakin dengan banyaknya amal karena sesungguhnya Anda tidak mengetahui, apakah amalan Anda diterima atau tidak. Jangan pula terlalu merasa aman dengan dosa-dosa Anda, karena sesungguhnya Anda tidak mengetahui diampuni dosa Anda atau tidak. Sesungguhnya amalan Anda gaib dari Anda. Sesungguhnya Anda tidak mengetahui apa yang Allah perbuat terhadap amalan Anda, apakah Allah menjadikannya di dalam Sijjin ( buku catatan dosa ), atau ‘illiyyiin ( buku catatan amal sholeh )?”

[Lihat Kitab Syu’ab al-Iman, Karya Al Baihaqi]

Dari Asy’ats bin Sa’id diriwayatkan bahwa ia menceritakan, Ibnu Aun berkata:

“Seorang hamba tidak akan dikatakan betul-betul mencapai derajat orang yang ridha, sebelum keridhaannya terhadap kefakiran seperti keridhaan-nya terhadap kekayaan. Bagaimana kamu layak meminta keputusan Allah untuk urusanmu, kalau kamu merasa marah dengan Takdir-Nya yang tidak sesuai dengan kemauanmu. Pada hal mungkin saja yang kamu inginkan itu, bila Allah takdirkan untuk menjadi milikmu, justru akan membinasakanmu.
Demikian juga ketika kamu hanya ridha dengan takdirnya-Nya, bila sesuai dengan kemauanmu, maka kamu tidak akan disebut bijak dan tidak akan mencapai derajat orang yang ridha.”
[Shifat ash Shafwah, Imam Ibnul Jauzi: 3/311].

2007 Korean Film – A Day with My Son (Adeul): Review

Taken from

Sentenced with death penalty means you are final, it’s the ending, you cannot change, feel a little pain, and if He agreed, then it means goodbye. The final purpose is clear: death.

Sentenced for a length of time in prison means you still have the next chance of world life outside the prison. The final purpose is clear: freedom.

Yet, being a life prisoner generally speaking as ending up in the prison. Life imprisonment sentenced for them whose severe criminal action in general since jurisdiction can vary for some cases, convicts, or parole (if lucky enough) as well. Frankly speaking, prisoners still do not merit for the final purpose itself as it’s not clear enough. Just waiting for hope for death or freedom.

As an opening statement, these descriptions will be easily realized by the viewers.

“I am a man sentenced to life for committing murder. But miraculously, I have managed to receive one special gift. Like a gift from God, the government has granted me leave for one day. One day for a man sentenced to a life behind bars. One day to see my son for the first time in 15 years. The son I love more than anything in the world. All day I think only of things to say to my little boy. What can I do with my son in a single day? I’ve missed him for so long, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t remember his face. Every minute seems like eternity until the day I see my son.”

Taken from: my

Accompanied by a warder who guarded for a granted day for him, Lee Kang Sin (Cha Seung Wook) went for meeting his son outside the prison. This was he first time for him to ride a car, to take a train, and also to enjoy outside living (again).

After went to his parent’s house where he found that his son is still at the school, didn’t want to waste a second, they went to Lee Joon Suk’s school. Waiting outside the school gate, bringing a name written carton, and standing for him as his son was the last student appeared.

Awkward moment happened for them. In the car, in the house, everywhere since it’s the first time for knowing each other’s face.

Initially, the son did not put trust on Kang Sin. A murderer who did brutal murder in the past with his flat face. Middle aged men with a cheap lotion body odour.

Still, the father couldn’t make an effort as he was thinking himself as a loser whose son is having a nice smile and sailed through a hard life for taking care his grandmother and also an old house within the appliances inside without nuclear family.

Time for this one day parole became a shortly fascinating. No significant move for them before they run away in the dark dawn and ‘enjoyed’ time together.

It seems to me that the Initial plot for this film is still slow and dragging, but the acting casts ultimately will move your heart.

Surprisingly, its climax showed up from unexpected facts in the ending plot. Welling your tears for these when in the next day, the father shed tears from recognizing something wrong due to a hand-touching, when the grandmother in tears looking group portrait, and the friends of his son with their deeds.

Well said for me, topics about parents are endless and also priceless. Logically speaking, they are not logical for our logic in some fragments even though briefly portrayed life and society as God bless them with special senses for ‘spying’ their heirs wholeheartedly. No wonder that even a father can recognize his real son’s hand despite long time parted.

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